Thursday, October 7, 2021

Do footballers get paid too much essay

Do footballers get paid too much essay

do footballers get paid too much essay

Although professional footballers are considered hard workers who endured a lot of pain and hardship to get to where they are, it is still not a justification for them being paid huge amounts of money as there are other jobs that benefit the society, with more working hours, more exposure to danger and are paid significantly less than professional footballers Sep 25,  · Against footballers being paid too much – ‘Are footballers paid too much?’ * They do get paid too much. I think they should get paid about 32, a year including players like Beckham, Cole and Owen. But if I was a world-class player like Rivaldo I would expect to be paid 60, for each match Jul 07,  · 1. 16million a year!! However it all depends on what you mean by footballer. A footballer could be anyone that plays football, so this means that not all footballers even get paid (as a footballer). So ‘Do Footballers Get Paid Too Much’ is a very open to interpretation, and doesn’t have a simple yes no blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Essay on Footballers Wages , Are They Getting Paid Too Much | Bartleby

Browse the database of more than essays donated by our community members! David Beckham has just signed a new deal with Manchester United which will make him the highest-paid footballer in the world. Are they damaging to the game? So the money should be going to the doctors and teachers who do a lot for the world.

deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. deadline 8 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. By contrast, the average doctor is paid 75, per year. What would you rather have? Doctors who save your family and save your life or have the entertainment of footballers running around the pitch and rolling around on the floor?

Others argue that the game is being ruined due to the high salary of footballers, do footballers get paid too much essay. Even the people on the bench sitting down doing nothing getting paid vast amounts of money for doing absolutely nothing! Getting paid more than teachers by sitting around the edge of the pitch AND get a free ticket to the game.

Also during these difficult times due to the credit crunch, think about what uses we could use that money on! Our NHS service could be improved enormously. But you can admire some footballers who give up most their salary to a charity. Perhaps the footballers are making playing football look too easy After all, how hard can-kicking a football around the pitch be?

Not many brain cells are required. Some people talk of footballers as role models for many young fans. But what are we meant to think when a player gets drunk at a party on a Friday night and goes and attacks a member of the public? Football, a sport played by many people across the world. Many aspire to become a footballer, maybe because of the huge amount of money involved, or maybe because of the enjoyment.

There are many leagues including The Premier League; arguably the best league in terms of player prowess in the world, where some players earn �, a week. Other top leagues include the Spanish LA Liga, The French Ligue 1, The German Bundesliga and The Italian League.

Asking you what you think, will help best to answer this question. We will also look at website resources from the internet, gain statistics and other valuable information from newspaper articles, books, a questionnaire and interviews. This is because of the credit crunch. Understanding this topic in more detail will help others to realize if footballers really are paid too much and so they can be more decisive on this topic.

Because of the wide range of football leagues and players in terms of abilitywages vary dramatically, do footballers get paid too much essay. But, in my conclusion, I will give a more specific answer. Should football involve money? Are the extravagant pay packets that some footballers receive seen as unfair towards other hard-working, lower-paid jobs?

Maybe because you never see a footballer turning down an extravagant amount of money. And could that money go to a better cause? Every Premier League first-team player has more than enough money to cope and have a very good quality of life. But do other people suffer because of this? My research question links into the political and economic areas of study. This is because many aspects of football revolve around economics, especially the more professional leagues such as The Premier League.

Because of the credit crunch, some consumers are unable to afford to watch their team play. Or they cannot afford the increasingly higher ticket prices regardless of the credit crunch. Should there be any consumer rights because of this? Judging from my questionnaire, the answer is indecisive, although the majority do believe ticket prices will increase, a worry for anybody.

Does higher league football revolve around money? Ashley Cole, for example, was offered �65, a week by Arsenal. However, this offer is deemed not enough in veteran football, maybe because of the huge revenues and foreign takeovers, which allow clubs to spend a lot.

My research question also links into an area of study which is spiritual and cultural. This is because religion can influence a player to play better. For example, Kaka, who plays for A. C Milan Serie A League — one of the best leagues in the worldcelebrates to God when he scores. Spiritual and cultural also relate to football because it does have an impact on the outside world.

Many young people aspire to become professional players partly because of the big pay packets and the quality of do footballers get paid too much essay waiting for them.

My areas of study are connected in many ways. For example, they both involve human rights, having the right to do footballers get paid too much essay your views and opinions. They both involve rights, do footballers get paid too much essay, do footballers get paid too much essay have an impact on everyday life because of the frustration of apparent ridiculous wages and unsportsmanlike conduct on the pitch.

In religious terms, you should learn to respect fellow players and the opposition and the referee. This relates to money and what impact this has. Football is a big business. Large clubs gain most of their income from selling the rights do footballers get paid too much essay televise matches. Another source of income is merchandising. Since the s, many top clubs have opened huge stores, selling everything from replica shirts to mouse-mats. Manchester United even has stores in Japan and China.

Television do footballers get paid too much essay become the single most important factor in football due to the large sums of money involved. InItalian fans were angry when the start of the football season was delayed because of a breakdown in negotiations between TV companies.

On the other hand, TV coverage means players are no longer to get away with violence in games: video evidence can reveal bad behaviour, even when the referee has missed the incident, do footballers get paid too much essay. Successful clubs can earn huge sums of money from TV rights. A place in the European Champions League can generate up to �20 million in income.

Do footballers get paid too much essay, if a team is relegated from the Premier League to The Championship, for example, it faces a potentially disastrous loss of income. Clubs can rely on too heavily and TV income, which causes problems if the TV company collapses. Fans love to watch live games on TV. But many of them believe that TV companies are too powerful, do footballers get paid too much essay.

They feel they are not consulted when the companies change match days and kick-off times to gain the best pay-per-view TV audience. They also think that because of television, people are opting to watch the football match at home. On the other hand, TV coverage means that people who are unable to attend football matches for whatever reason are able to watch it at home.

Due to these huge revenues of money, and the combination of less promoting talent, Chelsea FC, for the first time ever, fielded an all foreign team in Some fans argue that it discourages local young people from becoming footballers, but others regard it as another aspect of the modern global economy.

People of all professions — and, according to Mr. Blatter, even HRH the Duke of York — sit in judgment on the income of footballers while being very sensitive when it comes to their own. Presumably, it is down to envy or derives from the master-and-servant days when footballers were not accorded even the rights and recognition of other workmen.

Why is it nobody complains about the income of pop stars, actors and other entertainers, or the charges of lawyers, the profits of banks and IT millionaires? Yet this is supposed to be a free European market. A very predictable answer from the Chief Executive of the PFA Players Football Association. This means he may actually think they are paid too much.

They are at the very top of a massive global business. They are key workers that helps generate huge revenues Manchester United has just recorded �m revenues — a 27pc increase.

This opinion is very one-sided. I can see where this person is coming from though. During the fight between players and managers to abolish the minimum wage, there were many souls searching among the footballers themselves about what was morally right. My father works down the pit and earns a lot less than that. But you try and tell your father to come up out of that pit and mark brother Stanley Matthews next Saturday.

Another point, rarely made, is that these people do nothing but give people pleasure. We happily pay for tickets, read about them in the papers and fork out for Sky subscriptions because they are such a big draw. Good luck to them, say I.

Many supporters are willing to pay lots of money for season tickets. Footballers give enjoyment to supporters the last viewpoint before also mentioned footballers giving people pleasure for what they do.

Big clubs make lots of money from merchandise, sponsorship and tickets. There have been more and more foreign takeovers in the Premier League. The people taking the clubs over generally have lots of money. I think they should get paid about 32, a year including players like Beckham, Cole and Owen.

Why do footballers earn so much money? - Money Time

, time: 9:16

Do footballers get paid too much? Free Essay Sample

do footballers get paid too much essay

Jul 07,  · 1. 16million a year!! However it all depends on what you mean by footballer. A footballer could be anyone that plays football, so this means that not all footballers even get paid (as a footballer). So ‘Do Footballers Get Paid Too Much’ is a very open to interpretation, and doesn’t have a simple yes no blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Although professional footballers are considered hard workers who endured a lot of pain and hardship to get to where they are, it is still not a justification for them being paid huge amounts of money as there are other jobs that benefit the society, with more working hours, more exposure to danger and are paid significantly less than professional footballers Sep 25,  · Against footballers being paid too much – ‘Are footballers paid too much?’ * They do get paid too much. I think they should get paid about 32, a year including players like Beckham, Cole and Owen. But if I was a world-class player like Rivaldo I would expect to be paid 60, for each match

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