Among the summaries and analysis available for A Town Like Alice, there are 2 Short Summaries and 1 Book Review. Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc.), the resources below will generally offer A Town Like Alice chapter summaries, quotes, and analysis of themes, characters, and symbols May 06, · A Town Like Alice, more than any other work, reveals Shute’s feelings about Australia. Shortly after his first visit, Shute decided to move there. He bought a little farm in Victoria, and over British-Australian author Nevil Shute’s historical romance novel A Town Like Alice () is about Jean Paget, a young Englishwoman who becomes romantically interested in a fellow prisoner of World War II being held in British Malaya. After being freed, she moves to Australia to be with him, using her financial inheritance to try to turn a small Outback community into a
A Town Like Alice Summary & Study Guide
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Return to Book Page. Preview — A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute. A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute. Nevil Shute's most beloved novel, a tale of love and war, follows its enterprising heroine from the Malayan jungle during World War II to the rugged Australian outback. Jean Paget, a young Englishwoman living in Malaya, is captured by the invading Japanese and forced on a brutal seven-month death march with dozens of other women and children.
A few years after the war, Jean Nevil Shute's most beloved novel, a tale of love and war, follows its enterprising heroine from the Malayan jungle during World War II to the rugged Australian outback. A few years after the war, Jean is back in England, the nightmare behind her, a town like alice book report. However, an unexpected inheritance inspires her to return to Malaya to give something back to the villagers who saved her life. Jean's travels leads her to a desolate Australian outpost called Willstown, where she finds a challenge that will draw on all the resourcefulness and spirit that carried her through her war-time ordeals.
Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published by House of Stratus first published More Details Original Title. Jean Paget a town like alice book report, Joe Harman. Alice Springs, Northwest TerritoryAustralia Australia Malacca, Malaya …more Malaysia …less. Other Editions All Editions Add a New Edition Combine. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
To ask other readers questions about A Town Like Aliceplease sign up. Was Nevil Shute, author of 'A Town like Alice' a racist, or was he just recording the attitudes of the time? I did not enjoy reading this book because of the disrespectful attitude towards a town like alice book report aborigines. There was not one positive thing mentioned about them as far as I could see, but so much glorification of the heroine and her man.
Not my cup of tea. Fiona Well said, Halford. All of Shute's novels were contemporary, and therefore are not influenced by modern sensibilities about racism. As said, he just w …more Well said, Halford. As said, he just wrote as the scene would have occurred. It is important to keep perspective on historical novels, acknowledge the history, and then be glad and determined that the present be different. I see there is a mini-series from based on this and a movie from with Peter Finch!
Has anyone seen either of these? Tempted to buy the DVD. Theresa I know it's been a while since this questions was asked, a town like alice book report, but just in case anyone else is interested in knowing I agree with all the others. The …more I know it's been a while since this questions was asked, but just in case anyone else is interested in knowing The mini series with Bryan Brown is fabulous.
Was lucky enough to get a used copy of the video from a close out sale at blockbuster many years ago. Worth so much more than the 99 cents I paid for it! See all 9 questions about A Town Like Alice…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of A Town Like Alice. Jul 28, Jeffrey Keeten rated it it was amazing · review of another edition Shelves: australia.
I have sat here day after day this winter, sleeping a good deal in my chair, hardly knowing if I was in London or the Gulf country, dreaming of the blazing sunshine, of poddy-dodging and black stockmen, of Cairns and of Green Island. Of a girl that I met forty years too late, and of her life in that small town that I shall never see again, that holds so much of my affection. It involves a woman named Jean Paget, to him more of a girl, but as we learn her story, we find out just how much of a woman she really is.
This story is set in Malaya, a town like alice book report, but the real story is set in Sumatra. The women and children taken by the Japanese during the war are Dutch, not British, and Nevil Shute gets many things wrong.
Some of that is translation problems, a town like alice book report, and some of those are changes necessary to tell the story he wants to tell. The Japanese take all foreign nationals in Malaya a town like alice book report. So they march them in what turns out to be random directions towards mythical camps for women and children that never materialize.
With every brutal mile, their ranks are thinned, and the youngest woman among them becomes their de facto leader. Jean Paget. She befriends a truck driver from the Australian outback, Jim Harman, who steals much needed supplies at great risk.
Eventually, he is caught. So what? They kept us there, and made us look on while they did it. Over the course of the novel, she continues to write to him about her life. Despite a town like alice book report age difference and the impracticality of a relationship, it is easy to see that Strachan has fallen in love with Jean Paget, and as it turned out, so did Joe Harman. He was every inch the man that Shute describes in his novel.
Look at that jaunty angle to his hat. In this edition, there is a wonderful afterword by Jenny Colgan. She makes the case that writers, craftsmen and craftswomen, like Nevil Shute, Bernard Malamud, Elizabeth Taylor, Robertson Davies are largely forgotten by the reading community today.
Interestingly enough, I have several books by all these writers in my personal library. I am the consummate pursuer of writers, exactly like Shute, who have been relegated to the past, left for dead, but who are in need a town like alice book report a resurrection with a new generation of readers.
He has certainly left his mark on me. It is one of my favorite post-apocalyptic books. I have a feeling I will be similarly haunted by A Town Like Alice. Nevil Shute Norway is his full name. To keep his engineering life and his writing life separated, he existed under Norway in one and Shute in the other. He became caught up in the disastrous airship craze between the world wars, and he is brought to life so vividly by David Dennington in his historical novel The Airshipmen.
There is romance, but he presents it in such a practical fashion that the plot never bogs down in the melodrama of star crossed lovers. She wants to build the sparse few buildings of Willstown into the next Alice Springs. I find this part of the story so inspiring. She is such an natural entrepreneur, a town like alice book report.
She asks the right questions. What do people need? What must we do to make each venture profitable? How does she keep the young women from running off to the big cities?
No young women means there are no young men. In many ways, she is like Bugsy Siegel who envisioned casinos in the desert. She wants to build A town like alice book report Town Like Alice.
She uses her legacy to build something.
A Town Like Alice - Meet Joe Harmon
, time: 3:32A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute

May 06, · A Town Like Alice, more than any other work, reveals Shute’s feelings about Australia. Shortly after his first visit, Shute decided to move there. He bought a little farm in Victoria, and over Jan 30, · After the war, Jean returns to the United Kingdom. There she discovers that a distant uncle left her an inheritance. Jean goes back to Malaysia and she also wants to visit Australia. Alice Springs. She wants to invest the money from her inheritance in good causes and the people who helped her in the war. A Town like Alice was published in Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins British-Australian author Nevil Shute’s historical romance novel A Town Like Alice () is about Jean Paget, a young Englishwoman who becomes romantically interested in a fellow prisoner of World War II being held in British Malaya. After being freed, she moves to Australia to be with him, using her financial inheritance to try to turn a small Outback community into a
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