Thursday, October 7, 2021

Master thesis ip multicasting

Master thesis ip multicasting

master thesis ip multicasting

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What is IP Multicasting? Concept of IP Multicast Address Explained

DID YOU KNOW? DTIC has over 3. Click HERE to register or log in. Report Date: Pagination or Media Count: The objective of this thesis is to show that using Multicast IP, distributing data in layers using an efficient protocol, and sending data with no inherent mechanism to ensure that packets arrive at their destinations will allow data to be exchanged over IP networks at much lower bandwidths than is required today while still maintaining a common tactical picture.

Software was developed which interfaces to GCCS-M and exchanges data over a multicast network. This software was tested in a laboratory which simulated a Naval environment. The results of testing demonstrate the potential of using the characteristics of the track data being exchanged in a true multicast architecture master thesis ip multicasting develop a efficient tactical data distribution system for users operating in the Naval environment, master thesis ip multicasting.

Kingman Road, Fort Belvoir, master thesis ip multicasting, VA CAL-DTIC View the full text of this report. Accession Number: ADA Title: Command and Control Data Dissemination Using IP Multicast. Descriptive Note: Master's thesis. Personal Author s : Barrera, Raymond C. Pagination or Media Count: Abstract: Tools have been developed which allow tactical data to be exchanged over Internet Protocol networks, but the quality of service necessary to operate these tools is not available for most Naval vessels at this time.

Subject Categories: Computer Programming and Software Computer Systems Command, Control and Communications Systems. Distribution Statement: Master thesis ip multicasting FOR PUBLIC RELEASE.

Lecture - 32 IP Multicasting

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master thesis ip multicasting

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