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Alcohol addiction essay

Alcohol addiction essay

alcohol addiction essay

Aug 05,  · Although there are many different types of addiction this essay is going to look at alcoholism in particular. An alcoholic is defined as a person who has “a tolerance for alcohol, they are dependent on alcohol, and the develop withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is terminated” (Bennett and Holloway, ) Feb 26,  · Alcoholism Alcohol Has Long Been. Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: Read Full Paper. In fact, some people can recover from alcoholism with no formal treatment whatsoever, and others may " cycle in and out of dependence" during their entire lifetime, Huebner continues () Jul 05,  · Essay about Alcohol Abuse. “Almost every adult old enough to drink may agree, that: a get together with family and friends, after work/school relaxation, football game on the tv, and many other social events are not complete without their favorite alcoholic drink. Some may even say that a party is not a party without it

Essay About Alcohol Addiction: Receive Proffesional Writing Help

Some may even say that a party is not alcohol addiction essay party without it. However, alcohol is correlated to many crimes, deaths and serious injuries around the U. and the world.

Alcohol is advertised everywhere we look: It is on the TV, at the stores, gas stations and in magazines we read. Every season of the year even has a special drink to enjoy. All though alcohol is enjoyable in moderation, it does have serious consequences if it is abused, alcohol addiction essay.

One of the starting points in heavy drinking is on the college campuses. Around the U. Fraternities promote alcohol to gain the attention of the potential brothers.

So, how does using alcohol to promote their fraternity have a negative effect for the college? If one is filling the wall with kegs, what are the other ones going to do to look more appealing? They will promote more alcohol to make them look like they party harder. With that comes more of the negative behavior with college age kids heavily drinking. How it works.

College women are more likely to become a victim of sexual assault when they have been drinking and college age men are more likely to become violent after drinking. In most cases the kids are binge drinking, which means five or more alcoholic drinks in one sitting.

The role alcohol plays in violence is a major factor to discuss. When a person drinks alcohol the ability to think and act rationally is extremely diminished; a person under the influence of alcohol is alcohol addiction essay likely to alcohol addiction essay on impulse.

With the mental health crises today, suicide is an issue that needs much attention. Many people who suffer from a serious mental health issue are self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. With the effect excessive drinking has on the brain, alcohol addiction essay, it will only damage the ability to problem solve. Alcohol is a depressant, so it will help with stress but not depression. Depression should always be treated by a professional not by self-medicating with alcohol.

And to add on to the problems of homelessness, mental health and poverty, alcohol is promoted more in poorer neighborhoods that the wealthier. Alcohol addiction essay, what does that mean? It means that the people with lower income are more likely to drink more and the people with mental health issues are more likely to self-medicate.

Alcoholism comes with many factors for the cause of the disease. Dysfunctional families and sociocultural play a major role in becoming and alcoholic, as well, alcohol addiction essay, so does psychological issues.

The genetics plays a major role, knowing this will defiantly help prevent the disease. It is the alcohol abuse and addiction that is dangerous to society. the advertising for drinking is glorified today, therefore people do not drink in moderation on college campus, the alcohol addiction essay and at parties. It is not alcohol that needs to be band but the people who choose to use, need to drink in moderation.

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Alcoholism - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

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Essay About Alcohol Abuse - Free Essay Example |

alcohol addiction essay

Jul 07,  · An essay on alcoholism and family would focus specifically on raising questions of domestic abuse as a result of alcohol addiction and heavy drinking. In addition to that, there are many essay topics on alcohol consumption that might sound familiar to Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Jul 05,  · Essay about Alcohol Abuse. “Almost every adult old enough to drink may agree, that: a get together with family and friends, after work/school relaxation, football game on the tv, and many other social events are not complete without their favorite alcoholic drink. Some may even say that a party is not a party without it Feb 26,  · Alcoholism Alcohol Has Long Been. Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: Read Full Paper. In fact, some people can recover from alcoholism with no formal treatment whatsoever, and others may " cycle in and out of dependence" during their entire lifetime, Huebner continues ()

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